Sep 25th 2021The impact of remote working on the income statement

Business organization

General and administrative expenses, selling expenses, production costs, and rising costs: In this article, we will find out how and how much the telecommuting affects these items.

post by
Danny Ascari
Stefano Chelli
Push & Pull in distribution logistics: which one is best?Distribution logistics

Push & Pull in distribution logistics: which one is best?

Production planning techniques allow us to highlight strengths and weaknesses when production orders are released either in push or pull modes. Let's see how these concepts can be applied to the world of distribution logistics.

Service Level KPI: an exampleOperations management

Service Level KPI: an example

Service levels provided in delivering a product to the end customer are increasingly viewed as an intrinsic component of the value provided.

We are now a member of IMCNNEWS FROM OPTA

We are now a member of IMCN

As of September 2019 OPTA is part of IMCN (Independent Management Consultancies Network), a dynamic and highly specialized European consulting services network.

Digital Servitization: example of an after-sales service reorganizationService design

Digital Servitization: example of an after-sales service reorganization

The issue of Digital Transformation is increasingly at the center of companies’ debates. Its implementation generates new opportunities for companies, by forcing them to review their business models.

How to bring factory efficiency under control in just two monthsLean production

How to bring factory efficiency under control in just two months

Several companies, especially in the SME sector, still encounter difficulties in correctly measuring labor efficiency.

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